Approval was given at the 71st Meeting of Principal Officers held on Friday, 30th August 2013, the proposal on the establishment of the UNIPORT ADVANCEMENT UNDERGRADUATE SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAMME was considered and approved and since then, some students have benefitted from the programme.
The University of Port Harcourt Foundation is in synergy with the NIFES UNIPORT NORTH AMERICAN ALUMNI (NUNA) and other philanthropists within and outside Nigeria for the award of scholarships to indigent students. The NUNA pays for tuition fees for indigent students who meet the criteria of 3.5 on 5.0 scale CGPA.
Scholarship Criteria
At commencement, one student would be selected from each Faculty, this would expand as support for this Programme increases. The selection criteria for this Programme include:
- Must have a CGPA of at least 3.5 in the first year
- Must be a full-time student
- Must demonstrate financial need
- Must be involved in Community/extracurricular activities
- A Reference Letter(s) from a trusted entity
- Must prove that he/she is from a family with very low income (Indigent)
- Must not be involved in any form of social vices
- Personal Interview.
Note: Selection will be based on merit. The criteria are subject to modification.